The founding members of the Knights of the Symphony.

Acers, Maurice 

Adams, John G. 

Akin, Harry

Alexander Jr., James R.

Allen Jr., Ernst 

Arnold, Robert

Brown, Richard F. 

Burns, John S.

Butler, Roy A.

Carpenter, Frank H. 

Cashin, Jack W. 

Catterall Jr., Fred W. 

Christie, Carter B. 

Danforth, William 

Davis, Ira Winfield 

Davis, Robert T. “Sonny”

Dolce, C. Leonard

Dougherty, J. Chrys

Eppright, Ben R. 

Erwin Jr., Frank C. 

Fish, Russell

Gee, Thomas

Goeth, Joe A.

Green, Charles 

Harwicke, C.P. 

Henna, Louis

Heyer Jr., George 

Hughes Jr., Huber C.

Kemp, William F.

King, Alfred 

Kingsberry, John 

Koen Sr., William 

Kormier, Victor A.

Kresdon, Roy A.

Lancaster, J.S. 

Laves, Benard

Leech III, James H. 

McGuire, Carson 

McGuire, Carson 

Mahone, John. T. 

Miller, William K. 

Moreland, Ralph K.

Morgan, William P. 

Morris Jr., Eddie T. 

Morrison, E. Gary 

Morrison, Robert    

Mueller Jr., R.G. 

Oliver, John C. “Jake” 

Peevey, J. Scranton 

Phillips, Whit 

Potucek, Louis E. 

Puett Jr., Nelson 

Ragsdale, Robert L. 

Reynolds, Dick

Ritter, Tim

Sheftall, Dell M. 

Shivers, Allan 

Southerland, Louis 

Spiller, Horace

Stautz, Carl H. 

Stjecevich, Joseph H.

Strandtmann, George 

Suehs, D. Oliver

Thompson, Hardy 

Turner, Milton 

Thorne, Milner S. 

Wilkes, Bob

Williams Jr., Lindsey

Wilson, Will R.

Wroe Jr., Ed R.L.